New York Cheesecake (InstantPot)

This recipe is actually a direct adaptation of the perfect recipe in The Joy of Cooking (75th Anniversary Edition). For an 8qt InstantPot, you’ll need to get an 8 inch springform pan. Ingredients Part 1: Crust 10 graham crackers (one package) 8 T (1 stick) salted butter 3 T brown sugar parchment paper Part 2: Cheesecake…

Creamy Spicy Chicken

Normally I totally avoid recipes that call for a can of cream of mushroom soup. But this one is too good to ignore. Ingredients 3 cooked chicken breasts, shredded (you can use the ones from Papi’s Chicken Broth) 1 Medium onion,  Cut in half and sliced 5 Dried árbol chili peppers 2 cans cream of…

Esme’s Chicken Salad

We love this for lunch and after-school snacks. Ingredients 3 cooked chicken breasts, chopped (you can use the ones from Papi’s Chicken Broth) 3 sticks of celery, chopped 1 jalapeño, seeded and chopped 2/3 cups of mayonnaise 2 t Dijon mustard 1/2 t black pepper 1 T kosher pickle juice Instructions Combine all ingredients in…

Stop Being a Baby (Hebrews 5:12-14)

How does it feel to be called a baby? What if someone you admired told you to stop being a baby? Would that motivate you to change? If I could get over the shock of such an insult, and I knew that they meant it for my good, I would probably ask myself, “What can…

Papi’s Chicken Broth

Chicken broth is a staple ingredient in many dishes, but is also a favorite around our house just as a hot beverage. I (“Papi”) have learned from my wife and tweaked this to fit my taste. It’s generic, but never fails. Ingredients 5 chicken breasts (skinless boneless, but you can use regular ones for more…

Authentic Guacamole

There are, of course, a few variations on guacamole, but most boil down to (1) do you add tomatoes or not, (2) how finely do you mash the avocado, and (3) what type of chile do you use (jalapeño or serrano).  Here’s our preference. I figure you know what guac looks like, so I chose…

Maggi and Lemon Salad Dressing

Want a really delicious alternative to vinaigrette dressing that’s not as tart but still healthy? My wife makes this it is awesome. Ingredients 1/2 c   fresh lemon juice 1/2 c   extra Virgin Olive oil 1/4 c   Maggi seasoning sauce                spice to taste (black pepper, parsley, oregano) Notes Don’t…

Christian Sarcasm

I created the attached meme after reading a nice essay in my new Unapologetic Study Bible, discussing whether or not Christians should use sarcasm, or name-calling, or satire.

A Jeremiad for Souls Lost to Abortion

Often human cruelties are perpetuated and masked by the good intentions and ethical inversions of Utopians. Hailing a better day when such cruelties are no longer necessary, they opine that their favored solutions are not final, but only temporary as long as humanity has not removed suffering from the nations. It is better, they say,…

Limericks for Charles Darwin

There once was a Darwin devotee Whose phylogenetics were hokey “I know my origin” He said with a sly grin “I have a great uncle named monkey!” ———— There was an old teacher from Kansas Who doubted we came from chimpanzas He smote evolution Taught God as solution Now the ACLU wants the man’s ass.